Friday, August 8, 2014

FairMormon on the conception of Jesus and Members being urged to engage in critical thinking

FairMormon (I much prefer the old acronym "FAIRLDS") has a great paper refuting the nonsense claim that many anti-Mormons state, viz. that LDS theology states that God the Father engaged in sex with Mary.


In this paper, a copy of a letter written by the then-president of the Church, Harold B. Lee, on this issue where he affirms the virginal conception (he mistakenly uses the term, "Immaculate Conception"; a common mistake, to be sure).

Another good page is a refutation of the claim that the LDS Church teaches the claim that, "when the leaders speak, the thinking has been done." Again, a letter from the then-president of the Church, George A. Smith, is reproduced, slamming this heretical concept:


The FAIRMormon Bookstore is a good place to purchase books, btw.