Sunday, August 17, 2014

Two resources on Pre-existence in the Bible

In Gospel Doctrine (the LDS term for "Sunday School") today, we discussed the book of Job, and of course, chapter 38 was raised, as this contains a few verses Latter-day Saints tend to appeal to for the doctrine of pre-existence (LDS theology states that everyone pre-existed, not just Jesus). As a result, I am sharing two of the best LDS discussions of the biblical evidence for pre-existence.

The first is Kevin L. Barney's paper, "On Preexistence in the Bible." This is a review of chapter 3 of J.P. Holding's book, The Mormon Defenders: How Latter-day Saint Apologists Misinterpret the Bible (Self-Published, 2001).

The second is that of Dana M. Pike, "Exploring the Biblical Phrase 'God of the Spirits of All Flesh'" This was chapter 15 of the book, Bountiful Harvest: Essays in Honor of S. Kent Brown (Provo: Neal A. Maxwell Institute, 2012). This essay focuses on Num 16:22; 27:16.