Saturday, November 8, 2014

Eric Johnson vs. Stephen Webb

Eric Johnson, a longstanding anti-Mormon activist (he is the lapdog of Bill McKeever at “Mormonism Research Ministry”). In a review of Stephen Webb’s book, Mormon Christianity: What Other Christians Can Learn from the Latter-day Saints (Oxford, 2013), a work of scholarship that Johnson et al. could never emulate, he makes this rather silly statement (this is just one of many):

== In fact, if Mormons are Christians (synonymous), then I wonder if Christians (like Webb considers himself and I think I am too) are Mormon? ==

While Eric Johnson (and the rest of the team at MRM) are not exactly well known for having a good grasp of logic (and biblical exegesis, among many other things), this is just stupid to the nth degree. “Mormonism” would be considered a subset to the broader category of Christianity, which is the perspective of Webb and others, not that they are one to one equivalent (Webb is a Roman Catholic and would consider himself to be a “Christian”; that defeats the nonsense Johnson is imputing to him). Such a comment by Johnson would result in “theist” and “Muslim” being one to one equivalent (of course, this is a straw-man he deceptively foists upon Webb).