Friday, January 2, 2015

Patrick Madrid Butchers the Trinity

I came across this video, featuring Catholic apologist Patrick Madrid, discussing his book, 150 Bible Verses Every Catholic Should Know. I am posting this video as Madrid butchers the dogma of the Trinity—he speaks of God as “he” (a singular person, notwithstanding the “being” of God is composed of three persons) and that the Son is a manifestation of God’s self-love (for those familiar with historical Trinitarian theology, we know that any informed Trinitarian would shy away from such, at best, ambiguous language). Similar things are said about the Spirit.

Interestingly, Madrid, as many other Trinitarians when they argue against Unitarian conceptions of God, states that God must be composed of more than one person as a person must love another, as that is part-and-parcel of what it means to be a person; kinnda wonder how this would leave his use of Num 23:19 against LDS theology (Madrid is a long-standing critic of the LDS Church--his arguments against the LDS Church are just as superficial as his defenses of Roman Catholicism).

There are better presentations of the Trinity, but this just shows what kind of theological mess the dogma is. And to think—Latter-day Saints and others are excluded from salvation for rejecting it, according to Madrid and others.

Here is the video:

The Trinity: Try to understand it and you'll lose your mind; try to deny it and you'll lose your soul . . .Gal 1:6-9, anyone?