Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Patristic Authors on the Father alone being Autotheos

This document, produced by a Reformed Protestant, is a collection of 20 early Patristic authors who affirmed that only the person of the Father was "autotheos" (God in-and-of-Himself, basically), spanning the entire Patristic era, such as Justin Martyr, Origen, Tertullian, Athanasius, Augustine, and John of Damascus. This is of great importance for studying the development of Trinitarian theologies and other theological areas, such as the Filioque clause.

What is also significant is that this mirrors LDS theology, wherein the Son and Spirit derive their divinity from their mutual participation with the person of the Father (see D&C 93, for example), as well as New Testament (e.g., Heb 1:3).


The URL no longer works; for that reason, I have saved the document here:
