Wednesday, October 21, 2015

M Russell Ballard on the Importance of Scholarship

On facebook, a grossly misinformed Latter-day Saint wrote the following in response to a post on the Greg Kofford page:

 I really don't need intellectuals to tell me how to feel about or interpret the Gospel. I have the Prophet, his Apostles, my own mind and the Holy Ghost .I don't need more than that.

Ben Spackman (check out his blog) responded, and I honestly have to share it here which refutes such an anti-intellectual comment:

Huh. Apparently, you're in better shape than Elder Ballard. 

"When I have a question that I cannot answer, I turn to those who can help me. The Church is blessed with trained scholars and those who have devoted a lifetime of study, who have come to know our history and the scriptures. These thoughtful men and women provide context and background so we can better understand our sacred past and our current practices."

The source for the quote is Elder M. Russell Ballard, "To the Saints in the Utah South Area."

Such is reminiscent of a quote from John Wesley:

‘John Wesley once received a note which said, “The Lord has told me to tell you that He doesn’t need your book-learning, your Greek, and your Hebrew.”Wesley answered “Thank you, sir. Your letter was superfluous, however, as I already knew the Lord has no need for my ‘book-learning,’ as you put it. However—although the Lord has not directed me to say so—on my own responsibility I would like to say to you that the Lord does not need your ignorance, either.”Osborne & Woodward, ‘Handbook for Bible study’, pp. 13-14 (1979)