Sunday, January 3, 2016

Λογιζομαι in texts contemporary with the New Testament, part 6: Modern Scholarly Lexical Sources

This is the 6th instalment on the meaning of the term λογιζομαι in Greek literature contemporary with the New Testament. Here are the links to the previous instalments:

This instalment will present the findings of some recent scholarly Greek lexicons on the meaning of the verb λογιζομαι.

Strong, J. (2009). A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (Vol. 1, p. 45). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.:
λογίζομαι lŏgizŏmai, log-id´-zom-ahee; mid. from 3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (lit. or fig.):—conclude, (ac-) count (of), + despise, esteem, impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on).

Thomas, R. L. (1998). New American Standard Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek dictionaries : updated edition. Anaheim: Foundation Publications, Inc.
λογίζομαι logizomai; from 3056 (in the sense of an account or reckoning); to reckon, to consider:—consider(6), considered(2), counted(1), counting(1), credit(1), credited(9), credits(1), dwell(1), maintain(1), numbered(2), propose(1), reason(1), reckoned(2), regard(4), regarded(3), suppose(1), take into account(3), thinks(1).

Barbara Friberg, Timothy Friberg, and Neva F. Miller, Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 2000):

λογίζομαι impf. ἐλογιζόμην; 1aor. mid. ἐλογισάμην; 1aor. pass. ἐλογίσθην; 1fut. λογισθήσομαι; from a basic meaning think according to logical rules; (1) as an objective reckoning; (a) as keeping a mental record take into account, keep in mind, count (up) (1C 13.5); (b) charge or credit to someone's account, reckon to (RO 4.11); (2) as the result of an objective evaluation consider, look on as, regard as (AC 19.27); (3) as a subjective act of thought have in mind, ponder, think (about) (1C 13.11); (4) as the result of a subjective evaluation have an opinion, think, believe; followed by ὅτι (that) (RO 8.18); followed by the accusative and an infinitive (RO 3.28)

Johannes E. Louw and Eugene A. Nida, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic Domains (2 vols; 2d ed.: New York: United Bible Socities, 1988):

λογίζομαι ; λογισμός, οῦ m: to think about something in a detailed and logical manner - 'to think about, to reason about, to ponder, reasoning.' λογίζομαι: ὅτε ἤμην νήπιος ... ἐλογιζόμην ὡς νήπιος 'when I was a child ... I reasoned as a child' 1 Cor 13.11. λογισμός: συμμαρτυρούσης αὐτῶν τῆς συνειδήσεως καὶ μεταξὺ ἀλλήλων τῶν λογισμῶν κατηγορούντων ἢ καὶ ἀπολογουμένων 'their consciences also show that this is true, since in their reasoning within themselves, they either accuse or excuse themselves' Ro 2.15.

Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon (Abridged):

λογίζομαι, Dep.: f. Att. -ιοῦμαι: aor. i ἐλογισάμην: pf. λελόγισμαι:-aor. i ἐλογίσθην and sometimes pf. λελόγισμαι in pass. sense: (λόγος):-to count, reckon, calculate, compute, Hdt.; λ. ἀπὸ χειρός to calculate off hand, Ar.:-c. acc. rei, λ. τοὺς τόκους to calculate the interest, Id.; τρεῖς μνᾶς ἀναλώσας λογίσασθαι δώδεκα to spend 3 minae and set down 12, Id.
2. c. acc. et inf. to reckon or calculate that, Hdt., Dem.
3. λ. τί τινι to set down to one's account, charge to one, Lat. imputare, Dem., N.T.
4. λογ. ἀπό. . to deduct from. . , Dem.
II.. without reference to numbers, to take into account, calculate, consider, Hdt., Att.; λ. περί τινος to form calculations about. . , Hdt., Xen.
2. c. acc. et inf. to count, deem, consider that. . , Hdt., Att.; with the inf. omitted, to reckon or account so and so, τὸν καθ᾽ ἡμέραν βίον λογίζου σόν Eur.; μίαν ἄμφω τὰς ἡμέρας λ. to count both days as one, Xen.
3. c. inf. fut. to count or reckon upon doing, to calculate or expect that. . , Hdt., Xen.;-c. acc. only, to count upon, Soph.
4. to conclude by reasoning, infer that a thing is, Plat., Xen.
III. the aor. i ἐλογίσθην and sometimes pf. λελόγισμαι are used in pass. sense, to be counted or calculated, Xen.

J.H. Moulton and G. Milligan, Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament:

λογίζομαι [pg 377]
     is common in the sense of “reckon,” “put down to one’s account” as in Rom 46 al., e.g. P Eleph 518 (B.C. 284–3) ἐλογισάμην πρὸς Ἑρμαγόραν ὑπὲρ τοῦ οἴνου …, P Par 62iv. 1 (c. B.C. 170) ἃ οὐ λογισθήσεται τοῖς τελώναις, P Oxy XII. 14348 (A.D. 107–8) τὰ ἀργυρικὰ καὶ σειτικὰ καθ(ήκοντα) [ἐν]θάδε λογίζεται, “the due amounts in money and corn are reckoned here,” ib. III. 5339 (ii/iii A.D.) αἱ πρόσοδοί μου … παρὰ τῷ ταμείῳ ἐ[ν π]αραθέσει λογισθήτωσαν, “let my revenues be placed on deposit at the storehouse” (Edd.), P Flor II. 1237 (A.D. 254) λογιζομένου αὐτῷ τοῦ μονοχώρου δραχμῶν δεκά-εξ, “reckoning the wine to him at sixteen drachmae the monochore,” P Oxy VII. 10565 (A.D. 360) τῆς ἀρταβῆς μίας λογισζομένης ἐκ δηναρίων μυριάδων ἑκατὸν ὀγδοήκοντα, “a single artaba being reckoned at one hundred and eighty myriads of denarii.” ib. X. 1329 (A.D. 399) ἐπὶ τῷ με ταῦτά σοι λογίσασθαι, and OGIS 59515 (ii/A.D.) τὰ γὰρ ἕτερα ἀναλώματα … ἑαυτοῖς ἐλογισάμεθα, ἵνα μὴ τὴν πόλιν βαρῶμεν. The verb is construed with εἰς, as in Ac 1927, Rom 43, in P Fay 9 (A.D. 134) νυνεὶ δὲ συνλήβd[ην π]er[ὶ πάν]των ὁπωσou|ν διδομένων  … ]] ἢ λογιζομένων εἰς τὸ δημόσιον, “I now give orders generally with regard to all payments actually made or credited to the government.” From this meaning of the verb comes the λογιστήριον, “finance-office” (see s.v. κατακλείω). The verb has the more general sense of “number,” “class amongst,” as in Lk 2237 in a return of camels P Lond 3288 (A.D. 163) (= II. p. 75) πώλου ἑνὸς loγiζομένου νυνεὶ ἐν τελείοiv, “one foal being now numbered among the full-grown (camels).” Cf. also BGU IV. 102817 (ii/A.D.) αἱ δὲ λοιπ(αὶ) πρὸς ἡμίσιαν λογίζ(ονται), P Thead 818 (A.D. 306) διὰ τὸ τὰ προκίμενα ἐρύφιά τε καὶ αὐτὰ τέλεια λογείζ[εσθ]αι ἐπὶ τῷ μεμισθωμένῳ, “puisque les chevreaux de l’année précédente pourront être comptés comme adultes” (Ed.), and the late P Giss I. 564 (vi/A.D.) ἐpὶ δεκαετῆ χρ(όνον) λογιζόμε(νον) ἀπὸ καρπῶν τῶν νῦν ὄντων ἐν ἀγροῖς. Such a passage as OGIS 66528 (A.D. 49) ἐὰν δέ τις δῶι ἢ ὡς δεδομένον λογίσηται κτλ. prepares us for the meaning “think,” “consider,” in ib. 76367 (ii/B.C.) οἰκειοτάτην ἐλογιζόμην τὴν ἀνάθεσιν(τοῦ ἀνδριάντος) ἔσεσθαι ἐν ταύτηι (τῇ Μιλησίων πόλει): cf. P Par 6395 (B.C. 164) (= P Petr III. p. 26) τίς γὰρ οὕτως ἐστιν ἀνάλητος ἢ avliτρὸς ἐν τῶι λογίζεσθαι ; “for who is so utterly wanting in reason and the capacity for making distinctions?” (Mahaffy).
     On the Pauline metaphorical use of λογίζομαι see Ramsay Luke, p. 286 f., and Griffith Thomas, Exp T xvii. p. 211 ff. For the form λογισθείη in 2 Tim 416 see Moulton Gr. ii. p. 217. MGr λογιάζω, “consider,” “think upon,” λο(γ)αριάζω, “reckon,” “value.” 

Verlyn D. Verbrugge, ed. New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (abridged ed.: Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2000):

Logizomai is sometimes used for one’s relationship to God and often for God’s purposes with us, whether they are thoughts of peace (2 Sam. 14:14) or punitive judgements (Jer. 49:20 = LXX 29:20; 50:45 = LXX 27:45), or whether he will change them, if his people will only repent (26:3 = LXX 33:3; 36:3 = LXX 43:3). Hence, this concept, which in Heb. Expresses the emotional and personal and in Gk. The objective understanding of calculation and evaluation, can express both sides of the biblical message. God’s personal, righteous dealings with his people on the basis of his law alone enable them to believe and to count on God. God does not act in an arbitrary and incalculable fashion; he has revealed his purpose and plan of salvation through the prophetic word.

Horst Balz and Gerhard Schneider, eds. Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament (3 vols: Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1991)

λογιζομαι logizomai. Reckon, appraise, consider.

1.     Of 40 NT occurrences of the vb., about half are in direct citations of the LXX or formulations influenced by OT citations. This is the case esp. in the Pauline Epistles, from which Mark 15:28 . 1 par. Luke 22:37 (citing Isa 53:12) stands out in relief, insofar as only here mana (niphal: “be numbered with”) forms the foundation in the Hebrew text. The only other use of λογιζομαι for mana in the LXX is 2 Chron 5:26. The other NT occurrences of λογιζομαι outside the Pauline Epistles are in John 11:50; Acts 19:27; Heb 11:19: consider, be of the opinion; 1 Pet 5:12; Jas 2:23: believe. Jas 2:23 refers to Abraham’s “work of faith,” citing Gen 15:6, which is also decisive for Paul in Rom 4:3ff.
2.     For the Pauline letters secular Greek usage must be taken into account along with the LXX. In secular usage λογιζομαι refers, on the one hand, to objective “reckoning/account” of value and debit in commerce; on the other hand in classical philosophy it is used of objective “affirmation” of matters by the philosophers (cf. Plato Phd. 65c; see H.W. Heidland, TDNT IV 284-86). In political contexts, the vb. could also take on a political significance . . . . In the religious realm, the vb. is used of both the plan of God (Jer 18:8, 11; 27:45 LXX, etc. ) and to his judgment(Gen 15:6; Ps 105:31 LXX; negatively in 31:2 LXX). The meaning “credit, reckon,” which resonates here already, appears in the cultic realm in Lev 7:18; 17:4 (cf. G. von Rad, TZ 76 [1951] 129-32). In rabbinic literature other vbs. Beside hasab are used to mean “reckon something as. Thus the idea in gen 15:6 and the controversial passage Lev 17:4 is extended, so that the unrighteousness that is committed is reckoned as credit after the repentance of the perpetrator (cf. Billerbeck III, 121-23).
3.     Paul uses λογιζομαι in close connection with the LXX . . . The vb. is used in dependence on LXX usage where it is followed by the acc. with the inf. in Rom 3:28: “For we are of the opinion (= believe) that the person is justified”; correspondingly Rom 6:11; 14:14; Phil 3:13. The vb. has the same meaning with a connecting οτι in Rom 8:18; Heb 11:19, where it is equivalent to πιστευω: “[Abraham] believed that God can also raise the dead.

A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (BDAG):

λογίζομαι (λόγος) impf. ἐλογιζόμην; fut. λογιοῦμαι LXX; 1 aor. ἐλογισάμην; pf. λελόγιμαι LXX. Pass.: 1 aor. ἐλογίσθην; 1 fut. λογισθήσομαι. Mid. dep. (B-D-F §311; Rob. 816; 819) (Soph., Hdt.+) prim. a mathematical and accounting term, then of cognitive processes. In our lit. esp. used by Paul.; s. GThomas, ET 17, 1906, 211ff.

1. to determine by mathematical process, reckon, calculate, freq. in a transf. sense

a. count, take into account τὶ someth. ἀγάπη οὐ λογίζεται τὸ κακόν love keeps no score of wrongs (REB) 1 Cor 13:5 (cp. Zech 8:17). λ. τί τινι count someth. against someone, to punish the person for it (Simplicius in Epict. p. 79, 15 τὴν ἁμαρτίαν οὐ τῷ πράττοντι λογίζονται; TestZeb 9:7; Just., D. 141, 2f) μὴ λογιζόμενος αὐτοῖς τὰ παραπτώματα 2 Cor 5:19.οὗ (v.l. ) οὐ μὴ λογίσηται κύριος ἁμαρτίαν Ro 4:8; 1 Cl 50:6 (both Ps 31:2; cp. 1 Cl 60:2). Pass. (Lev 17:4) μὴ αὐτοῖς λογισθείη (on the form s. Mlt-H. 217) 2 Ti 4:16.—But ‘place to one’s account’ can also mean credit τῷ ἐργαζομένῳ μισθὸς οὐ λογίζεται κατὰ χάριν a worker’s wages are not credited as a favor (but as a claim) Ro 4:4. θεὸς λογίζεται δικαιοσύνην vs. 6. Pass. εἰς τὸ λογισθῆναι αὐτοῖς τ. δικαιοσύνην vs. 11.λ. τινί τι εἴς τι credit someth. to someone as someth. pass. ἐλογίσθη αὐτῷ εἰς δικαιοσύνην (after Gen 15:6; cp. Ps 105:31; 1 Macc 2:52) Ro 4:3, 5, 9, 22 (WDiezinger, NovT 5, ’62, 288-98 [rabbinic use of λογ.]); Gal 3:6; Js 2:23; 1 Cl 10:6.—Cp. also Ro 4:10, 23f.—H-WHeidland, D. Anrechnung des Glaubens zur Gerechtigkeit ’36; FDanker, in Gingrich Festschr. ’72, 104.—λ. εἴς τινα put on someone’s account, charge to someone (cp. the commercial terminology OGI 595, 15 τὰ ἕτερα ἀναλώματα ἑαυτοῖς ἐλογισάμεθα, ἵνα μὴ τὴν πόλιν βαρῶμεν; PFay 21, 9) μή τις εἰς ἐμὲ λογίσηται so that no one may credit me 2 Cor 12:6.

b. as a result of a calculation evaluate, estimate, look upon as, consider (Hyperid. 2, 20; TestSol 4:11) εἰς οὐθὲν λογισθῆναι be looked upon as nothing (Is 40:17; Wsd 3:17; 9:6) Ac 19:27. τὰ τέκνα τ. ἐπαγγελίας λογίζεται εἰς σπέρμα the children of the promise are looked upon as seed Ro 9:8 (cp. La 4:2). οὐχ ἀκροβυστία αὐτοῦ εἰς περιτομὴν λογισθήσεται; will not his uncircumcision be regarded as circumcision? 2:26. οὔτε τοὺς νομιζομένους ὑπὸ τῶν Ἑλλήνων θεοὺς λογίζονται they do not recognize the deities honored by the Greeks Dg 1:1.—Count, class (PLond II, 328, 8 p. 75 [II AD] of a camel’s colt: λογιζομένου νυνὶ ἐν τελείοις=‘which is now classed among the full-grown’) μετὰ ἀνόμων ἐλογίσθη he was classed among the criminals (Is 53:12) Mk 15:27 [28] v.l.; Lk 22:37. Also (exactly like the LXX) ἐν τοῖς ἀνόμοις ἐλογίσθη 1 Cl 16:13. μετὰ τῶν ἐθνῶν ἐλογίσθησαν they were counted with the nations Hs 8, 9, 3.—οὐκ ἐλογίσθη he was held in disrespect 1 Cl 16:3 (Is 53:3).—λ. τινα ὡς w. acc. consider, look upon someone as: ἡμᾶς λογιζέσθω ἄνθρωπος ὡς ὑπηρέτας Χριστοῦ 1 Cor 4:1. λ. ἡμᾶς ὡς κατὰ σάρκα περιπατοῦντας 2 Cor 10:2b. Pass. ἐλογίσθημεν ὡς πρόβατα σφαγῆς Ro 8:36 (Ps 43:23). πιστοὶ λογισθέντες regarded as believers Dg 11:2. σήμερον υἱὸς λογισθείς who today is celebrated as a Son 11:5 (Ps 2:7). λ. τινα foll. by acc. and inf. (Is 53:4) λογίζεσθε ἑαυτοὺς εἶναι νεκρούς consider yourselves dead Ro 6:11. ἡμεῖς ἐλογισάμεθα αὐτὸν εἶναι ἐν πόνῳ we deemed him to be in pain (as punishment) 1 Cl 16:4.

2. to give careful thought to a matter, think (about), consider, ponder, let one’s mind dwell on τὶ someth. (PsSol 2, 28b; ApcEsdr 3:9; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 227 ταῦτα; Jos., Ant. 6, 211) Phil 4:8. Foll. by ὅτι (PsSol 2, 28a; Philo, Somn. 2, 169; Jos., Ant. 11, 142; Ath., R. 9 p. 57, 30) J 11:50; Hb 11:19. τοῦτο λ. ὅτι 2 Cor 10:11, 7 (here ἐφ᾽ [v.l. ἀφ᾽ ἑαυτοῦ in his own mind is added); B 1:5. W. ἐν ἑαυτῷ and direct speech Hs 5, 2, 4 (cp. GrBar 4:12); w. ἐν ἑαυταῖς and direct question foll. Lk 24:1 D; also ἐν ταῖς καρδίαις αὐτῶν πότερον Hs 9, 28, 4.—Have in mind, propose, purpose Dg 7:3 (Mel., P. 63, 455); w. inf. foll. (X., An. 2, 2, 13; 1 Macc 6:19) 2 Cor 10:2a. Think out τὶ someth. (Ps 51:4) ὡς ἐξ ἑαυτῶν as (if) of ourselves 3:5. Reason or make plans (Wsd 2:1) ὡς νήπιος like a child 1 Cor 13:11.

3. to hold a view about someth., think, believe, be of the opinion w. ὅτι foll. (Just., A I, 8, 1 al.) Ro 8:18. W. acc. and ὅτι foll.: λογίζῃ τοῦτο …, ὅτι; do you imagine that? 2:3. Foll. by acc. and inf. (Wsd 15:12; Just., A I, 53, 1; Tat., Ath.) λογιζόμεθα δικαιοῦσθαι ἄνθρωπον we hold a person to be justified 3:28. λ. τι κοινὸν εἶναι 14:14. ἐμαυτὸν οὐ (v.l. οὔπω) λ. κατειληφέναι I consider that I have not yet attained Phil 3:13. ὃν λογίζομαι καὶ τοὺς ἀθέους ἐντρέπεσθαι whom, I think, even the godless respect ITr 3:2. Foll. by the inf. alone 2 Cor 11:5; Dg 3:3 (Just., D. 102, 7 al.).—ὡς λογίζομαι as I think 1 Pt 5:12; Mk 11:31 v.l.—DELG s.v. λέγω 2. M-M. EDNT. TW. 

The Lexham Analytical Lexicon of the Septuagint (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012).

logizomai, v., count; credit; consider. 120× +NT +AF
Hebrew Alignment
חשׁבto weave; to respect, hold in high regard; to assume, impute, reckon, devise, invent (68): Gen 15:6; 31:15; Lev 7:8; 17:4; 25:31; 27:23; Nu 18:27, 30; Dt 2:11, 20; 1 Kgdms 1:13; 18:25; 2 Kgdms 4:2; 14:13, 14; 3 Kgdms 10:21; 2 Ch 9:20; Esd B 16:2, 6; 23:13; Job 41:20, 23; Ps 31:2; 34:4; 35:5; 40:8; 43:23; 51:4; 105:31; 139:3, 5; 143:3; Pr 16:1; 17:28; 24:8; Isa 5:28; 10:7; 13:17; 29:16, 17; 32:15; 33:8; 40:15, 17; 53:3, 4; Je 11:19; 18:8, 11, 18; 23:27; 27:45; 29:21; 30:8; 31:2; 33:3; 36:11; 43:3; Lam 4:2; Eze 11:2; 38:10; Hos 7:15; 8:12; Amos 6:5; Mic 2:1, 3; Nah 1:9; Zec 8:17
מנהto divide into parts, count; to reckon as; to count out, remit; to apportion, allot; to send, appoint (2): 2 Ch 5:6; Is 53:12
Unique Hebrew Alignment
קרא1to call, to shout; to name, appoint, summon, proclaim, announce; to recite, read: Dt 3:13; היהto come to pass, occur, happen; to be, become, have: 2 Kgdms 19:43; ספק1to clap one’s hands; to slap oneself; to beat: Job 34:37; שׁבתto cease, stop; to be absent; to come to an end, perish, die; to rest, celebrate (the Sabbath): Ps 118:119; אמר1to say, mention, think, command: Ec 10:3; נטלto impose, lay upon; to weigh; to lift up: Is 40:15; שׁובto turn back, return: Is 44:19
English Gloss
consider (23): Wis 2:16, 21; 3:2; 5:4; 7:9; 8:17; 9:6; 14:20; 15:12, 15; 17:13; 1 Mac 2:52; 3 Mac 4:4; 5:16; 4 Mac 3:15; 8:16, 19; Ps Sol 1:3; 2:32; Tob 3:10 (var.); 14:4 (var.); Dan 4:32 (var.); 11:24 (var.)
reckon (4): Wis 3:10, 17; Sir 40:19; Ps Sol 16:5
count (3): Job 31:28; Sir 29:6; Tob 10:1
determine (1): 1 Mac 6:19
counted as (1): Wis 15:2
reason (1): Wis 2:1
devise (1): Da 11:25 (var.)
plan (1): 1 Mac 3:52
compare (1): Bar 3:36
realize (1): 1 Mac 6:9
considering them (1): 1 Mac 10:38
regard them as (1): 2 Mac 6:12
intend (1): 2 Mac 11:2
considered it (1): 4 Mac 3:15
track of (1): Tob 10:1 (var.)

The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek


λογίζομαι λόγος impf. ἐλογιζόμην fut. λογιοῦμαι, rar. λογίσομαι aor. ἐλογισάμην pf. λελόγισμαι ppf. ()λελογίσμην aor. pass. ἐλογίσθην fut. pass. [λογισθήσομαι] mid. to calculate, count, estimateabs. Hdt. 2.16.1 etc.; ψήφοισι with stones Hdt. 2.36.4; καίπεντακισχίλια καὶ μύρια λογίζονται εἶναι (τὰ ἔτεα) they calculate that (the years) are 15,000 Hdt. 2.145.2; μὴ ψήφοις ἀλλʼ ἀπὸ χειρός not with pebbles, but with the fingers Aristoph. Ve. 656; τοὺς τόκους interest Aristoph. Nub. 20; ▶ with acc. τὰς βλάβας ἃς ἐλογίζετο αὑτῷ γεγενῆσθαι the damage he estimated he had suffered Demosth. 21.176; τὴν ἀξίαν ἑκάστου the value of each thing Arr. EpictD. 2.23.6 | to include: τὸν Πᾶνα τῶν ὀκτὼ θεῶν λογίζονται εἶναι they include Pan among the eight gods Hdt. 2.46.1 ‖ to put sthg. on one’s account, charge, debit: δώδεκα (μνᾶς) twelve (minas) Aristoph. Pl. 381; τἀνηλωμένα expenses Demosth. 18.113; τῇ τύχῃ to fate Xen.11.16.3; ▶ τί τινι sthg. to s.o. Lys. 32.24 ‖ to verify accountsτινι of s.o. Aristot. Ath. 48.3, al. to consider, reflect, thinkτι sthg. Soph. O.T. 461 Hdt. 9.53.4 Thuc. 1.76.2 NT Phil. 4:8 (also in a voluntary sense, cf. infra c) etc.; ▶ περί τινος concerning, on sthg. Hdt. 2.22.2 Xen. Mem. 4.3.11 etc.; Σμέρδιν τὸν Κύρου μηκέτι ὑμῖν ἐόντα λογίζεσθε consider that Smerdis son of Cyrus is no longer alive Hdt. 3.65.5; ἐλογίσατο αὐτήνεἰς μεθύουσαν he considered her to be drunk VT 1 Sam. 1:13; ▶ with ὡς or ὅτι that …λογισάμενος ὅτι οἷόν τε εἴη thinking it to be possible Xen. Hel. 2.4.28; ἐλογίζοντο ὡς εἰ μὴ μαχοῖντο, ἀποστήσοιντο μὲν αἱ περιοικίδες αὐτῶν πόλεις they considered that if they had not fought, the surrounding cities would have defected Xen. Hel. 6.4.6; πρὸς ἐμαυτὸν δʼ οὖν ἀπιὼν ἐλογιζόμην ὅτι τούτου μὲν τοῦ ἀνθρώπου ἐγὼ σοφώτερός εἰμι when I went home, I thought I knew more than that man Plat. Ap. 21d; ▶ with inf. that …ἐκ τούτων τῶν λόγων τοιόνδε τι λογίζομαι συμβαίνειν I think that a conclusion such as this follows from such reasonings Plat. Gorg. 524b; οὐκ ἐλογίσατο παρʼ ἑαυτῷ ὅτι δούλωνἥδε ἐστὶν ὑπηρεσία he did not reason with himself that this service is for slaves Phil.2 Somn. 2.30 ‖ to conclude, deduce, establish: ἐλογισάμηνμε φῦναι I concluded that I had been born Eur. Or. 555; ὅτιτὴν ὑμετέραν πόλιν δυναίμην ἂν παραστήσασθαι ἔξεστί σοι ἐκ τῶνδε λογίζεσθαι you can deduce from this that I could enslave your city Xen. Hel. 6.1.5 to count on, rely, expect: εἴ τις δύο κἀπὶ πλείους ἡμέρας λογίζεται if one counts on two or even more days Soph. Tr. 944; ἐλογίζετο κατύπερθέ οἱ τὰ πρήγματα ἔσεσθαι τῶν Ἑλληνικῶν he was convinced that he would be superior to the Greeks Hdt. 8.136.3; λογιζόμενοι ἥξειν ἅμα ἡλίῳ δύνοντι counting on arriving at sunset Xen. An. 2.2.13; δῆλος ἦν εὐδαίμονα μὲν αἰεὶ ἔσεσθαι τὴν πατρίδα λογιζόμενος his idea clearly was that the nation would be forever prosperous Xen. Ag. 7.3 in a voluntary sense to think, contrive, plot: ἀδικίαν injustices VT Ps. 51:4; εἰς ἐμὲ ἐλογίσαντο πονηρά they plotted malicious acts against me VT Hos. 7:15 | ▶ int. obj. λ. ἐπί τινα λογισμόν to contrive a plot against s.o. (of God) VT Jer. 18:11 pass. (aor. and pf., rar. pres.) to be counted, calculated, estimated Hdt. 3.95.1 etc.; χρήματαεἰς ἀργύριον λογισθέντα a sum calculated in silver Xen. Cyr. 3.1.33; ὁπλῖταιἐλογίσθησαν οὐκ ἐλάττους δισμυρίων it was estimated that there were no less than 20,000 hoplites Xen. Hel. 6.1.19 | ▶ with dat. to be taken into account, fig. NT 2 Cor. 5:19; ἐλογίσθη αὐτῷ εἰς δικαιοσύνην it was reckoned as justice for him VT Gen. 15:6 , Ps. 105:31 etc.fig. to be estimated, considered: ὡς αἱ ἀλλοτρίαι λελογίσμεθα αὐτῷ we have been considered by him as strangers VT Gen. 31:15 to be considered, pondered Plat. Tim. 34b, Phaedr. 246c; subst. ptc. τὸ λελογισμένον reflection, judgment, common sense Eur. I.A. 386 Luc. Nigr. pref. (Franco Montanari, The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek [Leiden: Brill, 2015], S.V. λογιζομαι)