Friday, February 19, 2016

John Calvin's Murder of Michael Servetus

Perhaps the darkest blot (among many) in the life of John Calvin (1509-1564) is his role in the murder of Michael Servetus (1511-1553) in Geneva. What is almost as reprehensible is listening to the likes of Sam Storms, R.C. Sproul, James White and other Calvinists defend the actions of Calvin. Today, it is beyond dispute that Calvin murdered Servetus, and there is no evidence he ever repented of such an atrocity (proving that Calvin was unregenerate [1 John 3:15]).

An excellent book that is thoroughly researched on this issue is that of Stanford Rives, Did Calvin Murder Servetus? (2008).

Having read Servetus' Christological works, including The Restoration of Christianity, I agree that his Christology was unbiblical, but to argue that he deserved to be murdered and for someone like Doug Wilson (see this video) to argue that he deserved it as he was a "bad man" is amazing, though this is the spiritual blindness that takes hold of Calvinists.

A good presentation on the Servetus affair is the following presentation by Carlos Xavier: