Monday, February 29, 2016

Luther's Unease with the term "Homoousios"

[Luther] declared such a term as ομουσιος to be unallowable in the strict sense, because it represents a bad state of things when such words are invented in the Christian system of faith: “we must indulge the Fathers in the use of it . . . but if my soul hates the word homousios and I prefer not to use it, I shall not be a heretic; for who will compel me to use it, provided that I hold the thing which was defined in the Council [of Nicea] by means of the Scriptures? Although the Arians had wrong views with regard to the faith they were nevertheless very right in this . . . that they required that no profane and novel word should be allowed to be introduced into the rules of faith.” (Adolf Harnack, History of Dogma 7:225; square brackets added for clarification)