Thursday, February 11, 2016

Refuting the insanity of KJV-Onlyism

As one who lives in Ireland, one rarely encounters KJV-onlyists, though one has encountered a few here and there. However, it is a movement that is alive and well (1) in the USA/Canada/UK and (2) the Internet. This link leads to various excerpts from a debate on the John Ankerberg show from 1995 on this issue.

While I strongly disagree with James White on a host of issue and believe John Ankerberg lacks intellectual integrity, the "arguments" forwarded by the KJV-Onlyists are solidly refuted (and to be fair, White does a very good job at refuting Gipp et al. on this issue here and in his The King James Only Controversy)

The debate also features Daniel Wallace, a leading expert on the text and grammar of the New Testament--I strongly recommend his books, including Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics and Granville Sharp's Canon and Its Kin.