Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Resources on the Sabbath Debate

There are some groups (most notably the Seventh Day Adventists) who argue that Saturday is the only proper day of worship, even in the New Covenant. While this is not a debate I have invested much time in (very few Sabbath-Keepers in Ireland) I don't find it to be a hot button issue for me in comparison to other central issues (e.g., Christology). Notwithstanding, as it is a move lively debate in the USA and elsewhere, here are some resources on the issue that I think would be interesting for both LDS and non-LDS who interact with such dogmatism vis-a-vis the "proper" day of worship (while most LDS celebrate church on Sundays, this is not a dogma; in the UAE, for instance, church is celebrated on Fridays, so there are some geographical considerations).

D.A. Carson, ed. From Sabbath to Lord's Day: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Investigation

Anthony F. Buzzard, The Law, the Sabbath, and New Covenant Christianity (pdf)

The Lord's Day by B.H. Roberts (pdf)