Hegesippus vs. the perpetual virginity of Mary
The notion that the brothers of Jesus were
in fact something other than true siblings developed over time in the
post-apostolic church . . . The second-century writer, Hegesippus [mentioned]
James “the brother [αδελφος] of the Lord,” (Ecclesiastical History, 2.23) and Jude “who is said to
have been the Lord’s brother [αδελφος] according to the flesh,”(Ibid., 3.22) as well as Simeon the son of
Clopas whom Hegesippus calls “the cousin [ανεψιος] of the Lord.”(Ibid., 4.22) The fact that
Hegesippus knows a distinction between these two relationships indicates that
when he uses αδελφος he does with biological siblings in mind. (Eric D. Svendsen, Who is My Mother? The Role and Status of the
Mother of Jesus in the New Testament and Roman Catholicism [Amityville, N.Y.:
Calvary Press, 2001], 99)