Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Recent exchange with two critics of the LDS Church

I (and two other LDS apologists [Mike Parker and James Stutz]) recently interacted with two critics of the Church on an Open Theism facebook page, Dave Maxfield (who, notwithstanding his ignorance, was once a Latter-day Saint[!]) and Vince Capobianco. I usually don't engage in hen-pecking on facebook, but the topic was the relationship between Open Theism and "Mormonism," which is something I have an interest in (I am both a Latter-day Saint and Open Theist). You will notice that these two critics lacked, not just intellectual integrity but intellectual capacity, as well as not being able to engage in even basic exegesis; instead, just repeating claims that were refuted previously and engaging in eisegesis that would result in an F grade in exegesis 101 class. Don't take my word for it, however--read the exchange for yourself (it is a public page, so you don't have to have a facebook account, let alone be a member of the group, to view the exchange).