Sunday, June 19, 2016

BDAG on ὠφέλιμος and other terms

The following are the entries for terms that are used, or have important relationship to, 2 Tim 3:16-17 and the question of the nature of "Scripture" in that passage, the main "proof-text" cited to support sola scriptura. They all come from the standard scholarly Koine Greek Lexicon, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (3d ed.), or BDAG:

8089  ὠφέλιμος
ὠφέλιμος, ον (ὠφελέω; Thu.+) useful, beneficial, advantageous τινί for someone or for someth. (Polyaenus 8 prooem.) Tit 3:8; Hv 3, 6, 7. Also πρός τι (Pla., Rep. 10, 607d) 1 Ti 4:8ab; 2 Tim 3:16. Heightened ὑπεράγαν ὠφέλιμος 1 Cl 56:2.—The superl. (Artem. 5 p. 252, 13; Ps.-Lucian, Hipp. 6; Vi. Aesopi II p. 306, 12 Ebh.; Jos., Ant. 19, 206; PMich 149 XVIII, 20 [II AD]) subst. τὰ ὠφελιμώτατα what is particulary helpful 62:1 (Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 44 §186 τὰ μάλιστα ὠφελιμώτατα).—DELG s.v. 2 ὀφέλλω. M-M.

3535  θεόπνευστος
θεόπνευστος, ον (s. θεός, πνέω; Ps.-Phocyl. 129 τῆς θεοπνεύστου σοφίης λόγος ἐστὶν ἄριστος [s. Horst 201f]; Plut., Mor. 904f; Vett. Val. 330, 19; Ps.-Callisth. 1, 25, 2; SibOr 5, 308; 406; TestAbr A 20 p. 103, 22 [Stone p. 54] μυρίσμασι θ.; for the idea, cp. θεία ἐπίπνοια SIG 695, 12; on these texts and others, s. BWarfield, Revelation and Inspiration 1927, 229-59; New Docs 3, 30; also 1, 15) inspired by God 2 Ti 3:16 (MAustin, ET 93, ’81, 75-79 ‘expiration’).—DELG s.v. πνέω. M-M. TW. Spicq.

1143  ἄρτιος
ἄρτιος, ία, ον (Hom.+; Epict. 1, 28, 3; IG XIV, 889, 7 . εἴς τι; TestAbr A 8 p. 85, 12 [Stone p. 18]; Ath., R. 77, 4 ἀρτίως; Philo) pert. to being well fitted for some function, complete, capable, proficient=able to meet all demands 2 Ti 3:17.—DELG s.v. ἄρτι. M-M. TW.

2753  ἐξαρτίζω
ἐξαρτίζω (s. ἄρτιος) 1 aor. ἐξήρτισα; pf. pass. ptc. ἐξηρτισμένος (late; Ex 28:7 v.l.).

1. to bring someth. to an end, finish, complete (IG XII/2, 538; POxy 296, 7 [I AD] of documents; Jos., Ant. 3, 139) . ἡμᾶς τ. ἡμέρας our time was up Ac 21:5 (cp. Hippocr., Epid. 2, 180 ἀπαρτίζειν τὴν ὀκτάμηνον).

2. to make ready for service, equip, furnish (Diod. S. 14, 19, 5 Vogel v.l.; Lucian; Arrian; Jos., Ant. 3, 43 v.l.; CIG II, 420, 13; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 176, 10 [I AD]; pap, e.g. PAmh 93, 8; PTebt 342, 17) πρὸς πᾶν ἔργον ἀγαθὸν ἐξηρτισμένος for every good deed 2 Ti 3:17 (with ἐξηρτισμένος πρός τι cp. Diod. S. 19, 77, 3 ναῦς ἐξηρτισμένας πρὸς τὸν πόλεμον πρὸς τὴν τῶν Ἑλλήνων ἐλευθέρωσιν).—DELG s.v. ἀραρίσκω, s. also ἄρτι. M-M. TW. Spicq.

1282  αὐτάρκεια
αὐτάρκεια, ας, (s. αὐτάρκης) ‘self-sufficiency’ in the sense of ‘independence’, then gener. ‘sufficiency’

1. external, state of having what is adequate, sufficiency, a competence (Pla. et al. αὐ. means the state of one who supports himself without aid fr. others, cp. Theoph. Ant. I 6 [p. 72, 2], but in POxy 729, 10 [137 AD] it is ‘sufficient supply’; of God’s allocation ἐν συμμετρίᾳ αὐταρκείας PsSol 5:16; sufficient citation of Biblical references Just., D. 73, 6) Hs 1:6; πᾶσαν αὐ. ἔχειν (PFlor 242, 8 ἵνα δυνηθῇς ἔχειν τ. αὐτάρκιαν) have enough of everything 2 Cor 9:8.

2. internal, state of being content w. one’s circumstances, contentment, self-sufficiency, a favorite virtue of the Cynics and Stoics (Epicurus in Diog. L. 10, 130; Stoic. III p. 67, 3; 68, 5; Stob. III p. 101, 16 [Epict.]; 265, 13 H.; Teles p. 5, 1; cp. 11, 5; 38, 10f H.; Sextus 98. Cp. GGerhard, Phoinix v. Kolophon 1909, 57ff; Tat.) 1 Ti 6:6; Hm 6, 2, 3.—DELG s.v. ἀρκέω. M-M. TW. Sv.

3690  ἱκανός
ἱκανός, , όν (s. three next entries; trag., Hdt.+; ins, pap, LXX; PsSol 5:17; TestNapht 2:4; JosAs 28:11; ParJer 6:6 [שַׁדַּי]; ApcSed 2:3; EpArist, Philo, Joseph., Just.; Tat. 36, 2 ἱκανώτατος; loanw. in rabb.(.

1. sufficient in degree, sufficient, adequate, large enough ἱκανόν ἐστιν it is enough (Epict. 1, 2, 36; 3 Km 16:31; the copula is oft. omitted: Gen 30:15; Ezk 34:18; Just., D. 13, 1) Lk 22:38 (WWestern, ET 52, ’40/41, 357 ‘large’ or ‘long enough’). εἴ τινι μὴ δοκοίη κἂν ταῦτα ἱκανά if this should seem insufficient to anyone Dg 2:10. Latinism (B-D-F §5, 3b; Mlt. 20f) τὸ ἱκανὸν ποιεῖν τινι satisfacere alicui=satisfy (Polyb. 32, 3, 13; Appian, Lib. 74; BGU 1141, 13 [14 BC] ἐάν σοι Ἔρως τὸ ἱκανὸν ποιήσῃ γράψον μοι; POxy 293, 10; PGiss 40 I, 5); also possible is do someone a favor (so plainly Diog. L. 4, 50 = grant your request) Mk 15:15 (cp. χαρίζομαι PFlor I, 61, 61 [85 AD]=Mitt-Wilck. II/2, 80 II, 61, of one ‘worthy to be flogged’ ἄξιος μαστιγωθῆναι ln. 59f); Hs 6, 5, 5; τὸ . pledge, security, bond (POxy 294, 23 [22 AD]; BGU 530, 38; PStras 41, 51) λαμβάνειν τὸ . satis accipere=take bail (OGI 484, 50; 629, 101 [both II AD]) Ac 17:9.

2. pert. to meeting a standard, fit, appropriate, competent, qualified, able, w. the connotation worthy, good enough (Thu.; Diod. S. 13, 106, 10; POxy 1672, 15; Ex 4:10) πρός τι for someth. (Pla., Prot. 322b; 2 Macc 10:19; EpArist 211) 2 Cor 2:16 (FFallon, HTR 76, ’83, 369-74, ‘divine man’ motif). W. inf. foll. (Hdt. 8, 36; Jos., Ant. 1, 29; 5, 51; Just., D. 8, 2; B-D-F §393, 4; Rob. 658) Mt 3:11; Mk 1:7; Lk 3:16; 1 Cor 15:9; 2 Cor 3:5 (Dodd 15f); 2 Ti 2:2 (Jos., Ant. 3, 49 εἰπεῖν .); 1 Cl 50:2. Also w. ἵνα foll. (B-D-F §393, 4; Rob. 658; cp. PHolm 4, 23) Mt 8:8; Lk 7:6; J 1:27 v.l.—S. ITr 3:3 cj. Lghtf.

3. pert. to being large in extent or degree, considerable

a. of pers. ὄχλος a large crowd Mk 10:46; Lk 7:12; Ac 11:24, 26; 19:26 (SIG 569, 14 πλῆθος .; PPetr II, 20; II, 7; PLille 3, 76 [III BC]; Jos., Ant. 5, 250). λαὸν . large following 5:37 v.l.

b. of things κλαυθμός weeping aloud Ac 20:37 (=there was quite a bit of crying). φῶς a very bright light Ac 22:6.ἱκανὸν . ἐπιτιμία the punishment is severe enough 2 Cor 2:6 (on the lack of agreement in gender s. B-D-F §131; Rob. 411).—ἀργύρια a rather large sum of (lit. ‘enough’, i.e. ‘substantial bribe’ REB) money Mt 28:12 (cp. SIG 1106, 74; 77).—Esp. of time ἐξ ἱκανοῦ for a long time Lk 23:8 v.l. ἐφ᾽ ἱκανόν enough, as long as one wishes; for a long time (Polyb. 11, 25, 1; Diod. S. 11, 40, 3; 13, 100, 1; SIG 685, 34; 2 Macc 7:5; 8:25; EpArist 109) Ac 20:11. . χρόνος a considerable time (Aristoph.; Pla., Leg. 5 p. 736c; SIG 665, 12; UPZ 161, 29 [119 BC] ἐφ᾽ . χρόνον; Jos., Ant. 7, 22, C. Ap. 1, 237) . χρόνον διέτριψαν Ac 14:3 (Just., D. 2, 3). . χρόνου διαγενομένου 27:9. ἱκανῷ χρόνῳ for a long time Lk 8:27; Ac 8:11 (on the dat. s. B-D-F §201; Rob. 527). Pl. Lk 20:9 (B-D-F §201; Rob. 470). ἐξ . χρόνων for a long time 23:8; ἐκ χρόνων . Mt 8:27 v.l.; for this ἀπὸ χρόνων . Lk 8:27 D. ἐπὶ . χρόνον Qua.

4. in relatively large numbers, many, quite a few

a. of pers. abs. ἱκανοί many, quite a few (Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 11 B Fr. (a), 10 [123 BC]; PTebt 41, 13 ἱκανῶν ἡμῶν; 1 Macc 13:49; Jos., Ant. 14, 231) Ac 12:12; 14:21; 19:19; 1 Cor 11:30 (quite a few, contrast πολλοί as Ac 19:18f); cp. μαθηταί Lk 7:11 v.l.

b. of things λαμπάδες a good many lamps Ac 20:8. ἀγέλη χοίρων ἱκανῶν Lk 8:32. ἐν λόγοις . w. many words = at length Lk 23:9. Superl. κεράμια ἱκανώτατα a large number of jars Hm 12, 5, 3 (SIG 736, 108 ξύλα .).

c. of periods of time ἀπὸ . ἐτῶν for many years Ro 15:23 v.l. (cp. 2 Macc 1:20). ἡμέραι . (UPZ 162 II, 15 [117 BC] ἐφ᾽ ἱκανὰς ἡμέρας) Ac 9:23; ἡμέρας . for many days 9:43; 18:18. Also ἐν . ἡμέραις 27:7.—B. 927. DELG s.v. ἵκω. M-M. TW. Spicq.