Friday, July 1, 2016

Review of Kurt Widmer's Mormonism and the Nature of God

One UK-based anti-Mormon recently posted a list of suggested books on "Mormonism" (compare my list of suggested introductory readings on Evangelicalism [you will learn what Evangelicals believe from my list; not so much about LDS beliefs with Bobby's list . . . ]). One of the books recommended was Kurt Widmer, Mormonism and the Nature of God: A Theological Revolution, 1830-1915. For a rather devastating review and critique thereof, see:

Ari D. Bruening and David L. Paulsen, "The Development of the Mormon Understanding of God: Early Mormon Modalism and Early Myths"

I will also note that Bobby said, of Mormonism 101 and Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson, "The authors Bill McKeever And Eric Johnson are I would say among the worlds best resources for this subject." Excuse me while I laugh . . .