Thursday, July 14, 2016

Ronnie Bray embarrasses MRM on 2 Nephi 25:23

Ronnie Bray, an English Latter-day Saint who now lives in Arizona has an article on MRM's abuse of 2 Nephi 25:23. It is lengthy, but there is some good information contained therein. True to form, the same proof-texts Protestants use (in an eisegetical) manner are thrown out by MRM, including Romans 4 (cf. Gen 15:6 and the meaning of λογιζομαι [though King David being rejustified is never discussed . . .] ) and also the same dance around baptism not being salvific, with no meaningful exegesis of Acts 2:38 offered. Not surprising, as Bill McKeever is rather inept when it comes to exegesis and the issue of soteriology is one such area (see my review of his debate with LDS scholar James Holt).

See also James Stutz's fine article, “After All We Can Do” as a reference to the Law of Moses.