Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ex-Mormon Reddit Proving Novak's Rule

Over at the ever intellectually challenged "ExMormon" reddit page, we read the following in a thread entitled We have won. FAIR Mormon conference admits, "I would agree with the CES Letters position, that the mormonism it is responding to is unsustainable":

[Patrick Mason] then disses modern prophets for their "no retreat, no surrender" positions. Again, an anti-mormon stance, from the stand. In no uncertain terms he is telling the audience that prophets are wrong, and that his personal take is the correct one. John Dehlin was excommunicated for less.
"I would agree with the CES Letters position, that the mormonism it is responding to is unsustainable" 13m04s
This is what religion looks like as it begins to die. The inflection point on the graph has been reached. Apologists can either re-trench on the unknowable or retreat to a new faith. This talk; given by an apologist at a conference from the group that gave the Church their new Essays that define doctrine going forward, encourages both points. Mormonism in 10 years will be as unidentifiable to a person today as 1960's mormonism would be in the mid-80's.

The poster proves his lack of intellectual honesty and integrity as this is a blatant example of quote-mining of Patrick Mason’s 2016 FairMormon Conference paper, The Courage of Our Convictions: Embracing Mormonism in a Secular Age; here is the very next sentence:

Where I disagree is that I don’t think the Mormonism it is responding to is actually the real, only, or inevitable Mormonism. Certainly, that was some people’s Mormonism, but it’s not my Mormonism, and I don’t think it’s the Mormonism that is going to endure in future decades and centuries.

Among LDS apologists, there is a rule called Novak's Rule Number 1 of Anti-Mormonism: When becoming an anti-Mormon, expect your IQ to drop at least 85 points. Or, to put it a little more succinctly: God strikes you stupid. The ExMormon reddit provides numerous examples of the truthfulness of this rule with their lack of intellectual abilities and lack of critical thinking skills (something they project onto LDS apologists regularly).