Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Jesus Never said ANYTHING About Felony Home Invasion

The Babylon Bee has an excellent satirical piece that pokes holes into the apologetic used by pro-homosexual "Christians" who claim that, as Jesus never explicitly condemned homosexuality, it must be acceptable (classical argument from silence):

Here is a great line from the piece:

Please, show me the verse where Jesus says, “Do not forcefully enter the house of another with the intent to commit a felony, larceny, or assault once inside.”
Or just save yourself the time, because those verses are nowhere to be found.
Jesus said a lot of things, but He obviously saw felony home invasion as a non-issue. But that certainly doesn’t stop millions and millions of hypocritical Christians from cutting-and-pasting other things He said in order to form a haphazard theology, based on their own personal prejudices and fears, that discriminates against career home invaders and seeks to deprive them of rights essential to their being.

Shame on you!

To read up more about what the Bible (including the New Testament) teaches on homosexuality, see:

 Robert A.J. Gagnon, The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics