Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Apologia Radio on Joseph Smith and Latter-day Saint Theology

Jeff Durbin and Apologia Radio have an episode entitled BYU Chapel: Joseph Smith Is the Way to God? As with other critics, they abuse a recent talk by Jayson Kunzler as well as show their ignorance of biblical and Latter-day Saint theology.

In the description, we read:

As Jeff says in this episode, we live in a wonderful time for evangelism to Latter-day Saints. God is exposing the darkness of Mormonism.

In reality, God is exposing the deception of Durbin et al. For a refutation of a similar approach and criticisms forwarded by Durbin et al., see my paper in response to a Reformed Baptist in the UK, Bobby Gilpin:

Joseph Smith Worship? Responding to Criticisms of the Role and Status of the Prophet Joseph Smith in Latter-day Saint Theology

 As an aside, Jeff kept mentioning the so-called false Jesus Christ of Mormonism; for an example of the overwhelming biblical evidence for LDS Christology, and the overwhelming evidence against Durbin's Trinitarian Christology, see, for example:

Latter-day Saints have Chosen the True, Biblical Jesus

Finally, Durbin also harped on Joseph Smith's allegedly false prophecies; for a good resource on this issue, see a paper Stephen Smoot, James Stutz, and I helped research and write:

Joel Kramer Vs. The Bible and Joseph Smith