Sunday, October 2, 2016

Anti-Mormons playing the "bigot card"

Robert Bowman recently wrote the following about me:

This show of disrespect reflects Boylan’s general disdain for evangelicals, especially evangelicals critical of Mormonism (and is plainly expressed in the rest of his article).

It is odd to see a conservative Reformed Evangelical have the same approach to critics like modern SJWs and play the "bigot" card.

Oh, I have no problem with Evangelical Protestants (some are good personal friends of mine). What I have an issue with is Evangelical Protestant theology. Admittedly, I have a low view of Robert Bowman and some of his ilk (just as I am sure he has a low view of me [actually, I know he has a very low view of me]), but there is a difference between disliking Evangelicals and disliking Evangelical theology. For instance, Bobby Gilpin (a Reformed Baptist and critic of the Church) and I strongly disagree with one another theologically, and I have written some articles in response to Bobby (e.g., this one on the role of Joseph Smith in LDS theology), but we are actually on friendly terms with one another. But in Bowman's twisted little world, I hate Evangelicals, so he will probably claim I am lying (just like he falsely claimed I lied about my use of David Bokovoy in a previous "response" he wrote to me).

To give a parallel—both Bowman and I are former Roman Catholics. I am sure Bowman will agree with me that, for instance, Rome’s Mariology is simply false (e.g., Immaculate Conception and Bodily Assumption; the movement to make the fifth Marian doctrine as a dogma, etc). I hardly would accuse Bowman of disliking Catholics however based on such.

Perhaps someone should purchase Bowman a Logic 101 volume so he can learn the difference between disagreeing with a particular theology and hating adherents thereof (unless this is simple Bowmanian projection--perhaps he hates Mormons, not just strongly disagrees with LDS theology?)