Friday, October 21, 2016

Query: Suggested Resources on Jehovah's Witnesses

Bit of an unusual request, but here it is:

While I consider myself well informed about "Mormonism," Calvinism, Roman Catholicism, and some other faiths (e.g., Christadelphians), my interaction with Jehovah's Witnesses has been minimal (odd, I know, but they have little presence where I live in Ireland). However, I would like to study the group in some detail over the next few months just so I can interact meaningfully/respectfully with them if/when I encounter them in the future. I have a New World Translation and the Kingdom Interlinear, and have picked up a few books here and there over the years (e.g., Jehovah's Witnesses Defended by Greg Stafford and Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz), but have not studied the movement in great detail over the years. If one could recommend 10/20 (or more) books from both sides of the coin that one would consider "must-reads" in terms of the theology (and the development thereof) of the Watchtower Society and other central topics, I would like to hear from you.

My email address is irishlds87ATgmailDOTcom
