Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Scripture and Tradition: The Rule of Faith in Patristic Thought

I have discussed the common Evangelical abuse of the Patristic authors to support sola scriptura, including the following pieces responding to C. Michael Patton's abuse (actually, Patton used [without attribution] Keith Mathison's quotations from The Shape of Sola Scriptura [Canon Press, 2001] ) of some Patristic authors to support this ahistorical (and anti-biblical) doctrine:

The Early Church Fathers Did Not Believe in Sola Scriptura

Irenaeus did not hold to Sola Scriptura

Also, see Throwing out critical-thinking skills to be a Trinitarian to see how Evangelicals approach their own doctrines using Patton's comments as a shining example of the often-times anti-intellectual nature of Evangelicals and Evangelicalism.

Catholic apologist, Phil Porvaznik, has a useful listing of Patristic quotations showing that they did not hold to the formal sufficiency of the Bible. Here is the article:

Scripture and Tradition: The Rule of Faith in Patristic Thought

Of course, be sure to read the Patristic sources yourself. They can be found online at places such as the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. That way, one can easily check the abuse of Patristics by the likes of Patton, Mathison, Webster, King, White, and others who engage in eisegesis of their writings to prop up their heretical beliefs.