Sunday, October 30, 2016

Tarik LaCour vs. Mormon Coffee on Mormonism, Materialism, and Atheism

My friend, Tarik D. LaCour, has started a series blogging against a post on the "Mormon Coffee" blog of Bill McKeever's ministry; to see previous refutations of McKeever's "criticisms" against the LDS Church that I have written, see:

The particular blog post Tarik is responding to is this article by Joshua Valentine.

Tarik will be eventually have posted a five-part response, so I will update this post accordingly:

Fideism and Simplicity: Response to Joshua Valentine (Part Two)

Mormonism as a Big Tent: A Response to Josh Valentine (Part 3)

Always in Control: A Response to Joshua Valentine (Part 4)

Do Self-Reliance and Happiness Lead to Atheism? : A Response to Joshua Valentine (Part 5)

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