Sunday, December 11, 2016

Mark Hausam vs. Greg Bahnsen on sola scriptura

Mark Hausam may be known to some Latter-day Saints as the informed Presbyterian who gave a presentation at Sunstone in 2005, It's All in Arminius: Mormonism as a Form of Hyper-Arminianism which Blake Ostler responded to.

I stumbled upon Mark's blog today; it appears he converted to Roman Catholicism in 2015 and has written a couple articles on the issue of sola scriptura, including this one:

While I believe that Mark has made a great error in embracing Roman Catholicism which preaches a multitude of ahistorical dogmas (e.g., the Immaculate Conception [compare my article critiquing Tim Staples on the Immaculate Conception with Mark’s article on Mary here]), he is spot-on in rejecting Calvinism; indeed, his articles against forensic justification and Imputed Righteousness  are simply brilliant—I will be following his blog to keep up with such articles).

As an aside, it seems like his former Pastor, Jason Wallace, has publically attacked him (see this facebook post and Mark's response thereto). I myself have written against Jason Wallace on the issue of "Mormonism," including: