Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Responding to a critic on Tertullian's Christology

A really misinformed Evangelical Protestant on youtube, Vonita Esse, wrote the following about my claims about Tertullian's Christology against Jeff Durbin:

Did Tertullian ever say that Jesus is not eternal? Not at all! These people (Mormons) love to twist everything including the Scriptures. Tertullian said that the term "Lord" was dependant on the creation existing already, because the "role" of Lord requires something to be Lord of. But these simple minded people (Mormons) want to ignore Tertullian's position include the understanding that Jesus is the "Logos", and therefore has been eternally God, and with God. Just as God's Fatherhood is dependant on the existence of His Son. But Tertullian knows that God is the EVERLASTING FATHER, meaning that Jesus is ETERNALLY BEGOTTEN OF THE FATHER.

Word to the wise: using ALL CAPS does not add any intellectual substance to your arguments. In reality, those who do such are often trying to cover up the lack of intellectual integrity in their arguments and replace such with being bombastic. Doesn't fly with informed folk. Further, in reality, Vonita is the one playing fast and loose with the facts.

Dale Tuggy, who, unlike Vonita, has engaged with the works of Tertullian, gave a presentation to a scholarly conference, "Tertullian the Unitarian." One can find it here:

Tertullian the unitarian

One should also see the following video, showing that the (Latin/Creedal) Trinity was unknown, not simply "implicit" in the early patristic period: