Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ron Rhodes Embarrasses himself on Sola Scriptura

Ron Rhodes, a four-point Calvinist and author of works such as Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons (Harvest House, 1995 [co-authored with Marian Bodine]) is a Protestant apologist I have interacted a few times on this blog, including this post on Rev 22:18-19 and the issue of sola scriptura and Rev 21:14 and Latter-day Saint ecclesiology.

Of course, as a Protestant with strong Calvinistic leanings, he holds to the doctrine of Sola Scriptura. Roman Catholic apologist, Mario Lopez, wrote a devastating review of his defence of this doctrine in another book, Reasoning from the Scriptures with Catholics (Harvest House, 2000) where many of the standard “proof-texts” Protestant apologists tend to throw out:

When you read Rhodes’ eisegesis-driven attempt to prove sola scriptura, remember this is someone who prides himself in his theological prowess. In reality, Rhodes is guilty of the “cultic eisegesis” he accuses his opponents of—a classical instance of “projection.”