Monday, February 20, 2017

Reviews of Grant Palmer's An Insider's View of Mormon Origins

John Dehlin has posted a 2 1/2 hour video dedicated to gushing over Grant Palmer. Sadly, Palmer is dying of cancer; what is even sadder is that both he and Dehlin are unrepentant liars and, when they die (unless they repent), they will go to hell (see Rev 21:8; D&C 63:17).

To show the many problems of Palmer's "research" as found in his An Insider's View of Mormon Origins (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2002), one should pursue the following reviews:

Steven C. Harper, Trustworthy History?

Louis Midgley, Prying into Palmer

Kevin M. Christensen has a pretty good review of Palmer’s book on amazon entitled A False Balance.

Update: Palmer passed away on 25th September 2017.