Thursday, March 16, 2017

Birthday Books

Today is my 30th birthday (yes, I do feel old!) For those interested, here are some books I ordered for myself for my birthday (this is what theology nerds treat themselves to for their b/days!)

Andrew Y. Lau, Manifest in the Flesh: The Epiphany Christology of the Pastoral Epistles

Alexander Campbell, Christian Baptism: With its antecedents and consequents

James Kurianal, Jesus Our High Priest: Ps 110, 4 as the Substructure of Heb 5, 1-7, 28

William L. Lane, Hebrews 1-8

William L. Lane, Hebrews 9-13

Fulgentius of Ruspe: Correspondence on Christology and Grace (Fathers Of The Church, vol. 126)

Matthew W. Bates, Salvation by Allegiance Alone: Rethinking Faith, Works, and the Gospel of Jesus the King

Marvin A. Pope, Job (Anchor Bible)