Sunday, March 19, 2017

Michael Heiser on Denominationalism

Dr. Michael Heiser, while answering a question about which denomination is closest to the truth, answered thusly:

In other words, there is no single true denomination; instead, some denominations get closest in some areas of theology; some other denominations are correct in other areas. What is sad is that, even according to Protestant apologists such as Eric Svendsen (Upon this Slippery Rock [2003]), there are 9,000+ denominations within Protestantism itself. In reality, if there is more than one denomination, there are too many. According to the New Testament, there is only one true Church (see, for example, David Bartosiewicz makes Jesus and Paul out to be liars!) Here is a partial listing of the various doctrines Protestant denominations disagree on; note that these are not “minor” issues (e.g., exclusive psalmody), but essential issues that touch upon salvation itself:

·       Baptismal regeneration
·       Mode of baptism
·       Infant Baptism
·       Eternal Security
·       Nature of the Eucharist (e.g., consubstantiation vs. spiritual presence view vs. purely symbolic view)
·       The nature of sola fide
·       The nature of “saving faith”
·       The intent of the atonement (limited vs. universal vs. hypothetical universal views)
·       Nature of predestination
·       Whether God is active or passive in reprobation (supralapsarian vs. infra/sublapsarian perspectives)
·       If God’s saving grace can be resisted
·       Whether repentance is necessary for salvation
·       Nature of justification
·       Nature of sanctification
·       Nature of “righteousness” in justification
·       Whether Christ has one will or two wills
·       The nature and limits of sola scriptura itself

Such a sad commentary from Heiser demonstrates (1) the failure of Sola Scriptura and (2) the necessity of living prophets and additional scripture to help clarify various doctrinal issues. Thank God for the Restoration of the Gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith!