Monday, April 17, 2017

Blake Ostler on the Kalam Infinity Arguments

Blake Ostler's essay, Kalam Infinity Arguments and the Infinite Past from the volume, Mormonism at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Theology: Essays in Honor of David L. Paulsen, has just been posted online.

Kalam Infinity Arguments and the Infinite Past

In this essay, Blake soundly refutes the arguments of Paul Copan and William Lane Craig in The New Mormon Challenge (Zondervan, 2002) against Latter-day Saint theology, showing that their arguments to be fallacious.

This essay, of course, was not the only time Blake soundly refuted, in a scholarly way, the arguments of Craig and Copan against LDS theology. Be sure to check out his essay:

A History of Creation ex Nihilo in Early Christian Thought
