Sunday, April 2, 2017

Evangelical Apologist admits that Irenaeus did not hold to Sola Scriptura

In his recent hit piece against myself and my friend Errol Amey, Bowman admits that Irenaeus did not hold to Sola Scriptura (emphasis added):

Indeed, Boylan again misrepresent me as claiming that Irenaeus held to sola scriptura . . . since I acknowledged some half a dozen times that Irenaeus did not hold to sola scriptura, an article arguing that “Irenaeus did not hold to Sola Scriptura” obviously is not really an answer to my arguments . . . The rest of Boylan’s post continues to criticize me as if I had argued that Irenaeus held to sola scriptura, which I have already shown is an outright misrepresentation

Hopefully, he can tell Michael Patton, James White, and other Protestants apologists to stop citing and abusing Irenaeus as if he were an early witness to the belief the Bible is formally sufficient . . . 

What do you say, Ted Crilly?