Tuesday, April 11, 2017

How some critics of Mormonism lack a sense of humour

On the Recovery from Mormonism forum, there is a thread by a person who has never been a Latter-day Saint ("Nevermo4") who lives in the Cork area:

'The Saints do the aint's'

Anyone else notice on social media that the 'Saints' are taunting their 'fellow' Christians all about Lent?

One member is saying 'The Saints do the aint's' all year round...

Another put up an ecard on Facebook saying 'I'm Mormon.We do 'lent' 365 days a year'.
Lol,ya that was if ye believed in Lent.

Same fellow is a convert and has gone crazy on the gospel,even creating a blog!

Firstly, nice to see that this anonymous coward has been on my facebook page and blog. Hopefully they have a spine and will reveal their real name and not behind the cloak of anonymity, but that would require intellectual honesty and integrity, something most posters on RFM lack. For those wondering, this person is referencing the following picture:

For anyone who operates in reality (I wonder what colour the sky is in their world?), this is something called a joke and is not taunting non-LDS traditions (a lot of my Catholic friends loved this meme, too, but then again, they have a sense of humour). This does show how stupid (there is no nicer word) a lot of people are.

Such is part-and-parcel of the behaviour on RFM. My friend, Bill Hamblin, wrote the following which captures the inanity of the forum:

Their "Little Corner of Cyberspace"