Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Possible James White vs. Dale Tuggy Debate?

Dale Tuggy, a "biblical unitarian" has challenged James White to debate him on whether or not the one God is a Trinity in the New Testament and whether or not Jesus, according to the Bible, is identified with the one true God.

One can find Tuggy's challenge to White at the end of podcast 182 of his Trinities podcast (part 181 also dealt with White's arguments in favour of the Trinity)

I for one hope that White will actually debate Tuggy on this issue. Unlike Anthony Buzzard, who is a very weak in public debate, Tuggy is a very good debater so White's experience in public debate will not be a great advantage as it often is in some instances. Furthermore, Tuggy is well informed about Unitarian vs. Trinitarian issues so it would make for an excellent debate.