Saturday, June 3, 2017

Eastern Orthodox Deacon critiques Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide

Recently, two videos have been posted on the Eastern Orthodox rejection of Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide, the formal and material doctrines of the Reformation:

I think the arguments could have been stronger; for instance, on Sola Scriptura, see my article:

What is interesting is that these videos were produced by Dave Bartosiewicz, who identifies as an Evangelical. So, it is perfectly fine for Eastern Orthodox to reject Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide, have an ordained, ministerial priesthood (in this video, the EO Deacon says one is “clothed in the priesthood of Christ” [the Protestant Reformers must be spinning in their grave!), etc, but if LDS do the same . . . . well, I have soundly refuted Dave on these and other issues before so I will let the impartial reader judge for themselves.

One does have to wonder if Dave will follow Hank Hanegraaff and embrace Eastern Orthodoxy. After all, from an informed (maybe that is the issue?) Protestant perspective, such beliefs are anathema.