Thursday, July 6, 2017

Cornelius, The Gift Of Languages & The Necessity Of Baptism

I have discussed Cornelius and the theological implications of his salvation on this blog before:

Examination of "Christ Presbyterian Church Issues 95 Theses Against Mormonism"

Total Depravity vs. The Bible

Was Cornelius Converted prior to Acts 10?

Does Cornelius Help Refute Baptismal Regeneration?

I just watched a video Cornelius, The Gift Of Languages & The Necessity Of Baptism. While one disagrees with their Traditionalist/Sedevacantist Catholicism in many areas, and the latter portion of the video addresses the debate with other Catholics about "baptism of desire," the relevant portion of this video on baptismal regeneration and the conversion of Cornelius is very well done and Latter-day Saints and others who reject the "purely symbolic" view of water baptism will benefit from watching it: