Saturday, July 15, 2017

Jeff Durbin's Unreliability on the topics of "Mormonism" and Biblical Exegesis

Jeff Durbin is continuing his campaign of misinformation against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in a recent video, "Surrounded by Mormon Missionaries: Hawaii"

This is a welcome opportunity to "plug" again my responses to Jeff Durbin/Apologia Church here, including his and James White's utterly pathetic attempt to respond to me.

The two main articles I have written against Durbin and his eisegesis of the Bible and misrepresentation of Latter-day Saint theology are:

Refuting Jeff Durbin on "Mormonism" (a response to his "The Gospel for Mormons")

Refuting Jeff Durbin on Mormonism and the Atonement (responding to Durbin on the nature of the atonement and the Melchizedek Priesthood)