Monday, July 31, 2017

The Repentance-less Gospel of some Mormons

Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more. By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins-- behold, he will confess them and forsake them. (D&C 58:42-43)

I was hoping to take a break from posting for a few days as I am jetting off to London for a few days, but I had to comment on this issue as it is a very sad commentary on the theology of many Latter-day Saints. On the Millennial Star, Meg Stout, who has embarrassed herself on topic of Joseph Smith's polygamy, has shown herself to be a purveyor of a repentance-less gospel (emphasis added):

The final session I was able to catch focused on female body image. The two main speakers are both involved in professions that focus on the human body. The first lady is not Mormon. She was a Playboy Playmate of the Month in 2011 and currently helps couples learn to more fully receive physical fulfillment from one another. The second, Sasha, is an active member of the church and her profession is dancing in strip clubs. Her tale is one of terrible abuse, homelessness, drug abuse, and rape. In short, a life from which becoming a very good stripper is a step up. And the entire time, as she struggled with the different stages of her life, she continually and faithfully came to church and held on to her faith in Christ.

In the comments section Meg desperately tried to defend her positive comments about Sasha' occupation with the following on facebook:

Come to think about it, if you have folks coming to Church as a result of hearing about the gospel from Sasha in the first place, who better to have as the Gospel Principles teacher?

If people attended Church and had her as a Gospel Principles teacher (heaven forbid--as one on a branch presidency, I would never allow her to teach such a class), it would show that the ward she attends a congregation that preaches a repentance-less gospel: instead of being a repentant stripper, they have a stripper who is not in a state of repentance. Read Luke 19:1-10, for instance--Jesus accepted repentant sinners (those who realised they were in a rebellious state, repented made restitution, and forsook their sinful lifestyles), not sinners who continue in their state of rebellion.

Stout contradicted herself with the following on the comments section of the blog:

Once more to Nick, you might want to read the minutes of Relief Society for June 9, 1842. This meeting happened after Joseph knew he had identified the ringleader of the seducers, and it was now a time when the penitent could be embraced. Mahala Overton had apparently been well-known for having participated in sin, yet Joseph and Emma urge the Relief Society to welcome her and embrace her.

One has to wonder if Meg bothered to read the minutes of this meeting. Here we read that there was a call to repentance, not a mere acceptance of the person in their rebellious, sinful state (emphasis added):

Respecting the reception of Sis. Overton, Prest. Smith It grieves me that there is no fuller fellowship— if one member suffer all feel it— by union of feeling we obtain pow’r with God. Christ said he came to call sinners to repentance and save them. Christ was condemn’d by the righteous jews because he took sinners into his society— he took them upon the principle that they repented of their sins. It is the object of this Society to reform persons, not to take those that are corrupt, but if they repent we are bound to take them and by kindness sanctify and cleanse from all unrighteousness, by our influence in watching over them— nothing will have such influence over people, as the fear of being disfellowship’d by so goodly a Society as this. Then take Sis. O. as Jesus received sinners into his bosom.