Sunday, July 9, 2017

Thomas B Marsh and the Milk Strippings Story

Today in Gospel Doctrine, I had to correct the teacher about the reasons why Thomas B. Marsh left the Church. The teacher repeated the fable that he left the Church due to being wronged over milk strippings. Now, to be fair to the teacher, he was simply repeating what he read from the manual, but such does show that a lot of Church manuals are, frankly, weak at best on exegesis and history (whenever I teach, I only look at the manual to see which texts are to be discussed and I create my own lesson). I do hate to be difficult in a class setting, but one wishes the manuals actually reflected the real reasons Marsh and others left the Church (yes, some leave because they are "offended" but a lot leave for other, much more [in their perspective] justifiable reasons [historical and doctrine issues, for e.g.])

John Hamer has a good discussion of Marsh on a post on By Common Consent:

The Milk & Strippings Story, Thomas B. Marsh, and Brigham Young

Jeff Lindsay has a good post on his Mormanity blog:

Cutting a Little Slack for Ex-Mormons