Thursday, August 31, 2017

Answering Lee Baker's "Challenging Questions": One Year Later

In February 2015, former Latter-day Saint, Lee Baker, posted four questions he presented as being unanswerable by Latter-day Saints and offered $1,000.00 to anyone who could cogently answer his questions as well as a promise to cease his anti-Mormon activities. I responded to his criticism here:

This was posted over a year ago now.

In spite of being made aware of this (rather devastating) response to his questions, Baker has refused to honour the $1,000 he owes me. Indeed, I called him out on this previously on this blog, and others have called him out elsewhere. Notwithstanding, one year later, Baker still have to honour his word. I challenge Baker to either (1) respond meaningfully and in a scholarly manner to my answers to his four questions or (2) send me the money via Pay Pal (click here).