Monday, August 21, 2017

Hebrews 6:4-6 in Action

In a recent article (in case anyone is wondering, I would be considered a "doctrinal Mormon" based on this article), Michael Flournoy wrote the following:

My spiritual conversion came a year later when I attended Especially for Youth, a week-long retreat for Latter-day Saints. On Thursday night they ushered us into a room and showed a video about Jesus. It had people testifying that he was their Savior and he’d changed them. That night, the real Jesus visited me.

I was faced with his majesty and righteousness. I knew that I was a wretched sinner, and I would have been satisfied if he had wiped me off the face of the planet. However, instead of wrath, he sent me his love. It was an unbelievable love. It’s the kind of love that says, “You hate my counsel, your feet are slow to do good and swift to do evil, and many of the things you do displease me, but I love you anyway.”

God’s overwhelming, undeserved love made me weep for hours on end. I looked at the context of the situation. I was at a Mormon sponsored event, which I interpreted to mean that the church was true. I decided that my allegiance would be to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

If the above is true, Michael obviously falls under the condemnation of the apostates in Heb 6:4-6 and 10:26-29 as well as the sons of perdition in D&C 76:30-44. I posted this as one hopes that readers will pray that he will repent of the Protestantism he has embraced, a perverse gospel that is under the anathema of Gal 1:6-9. After all, consider the following:

I managed to stay active through it all. I kept studying grace and came to believe that Christ’s imputed righteousness granted salvation. I found evidence of it in both the Bible and The Book of Mormon, and for a time my doctrinal conversion stabilized. That is until God opened my eyes to the fact that my new favorite doctrine was hostile to the mandatory LDS covenants and ordinances.

To see how his arguments in favour of forensic justification and other issues relating to soteriology and related concepts, see:

Responses to other critics would include: