Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Newman and Nida on John 17:5 as teaching Jesus' personal pre-existence

[I]t is not possible to treat Give me glory in the same way as in contexts where the focus is upon the revelation of Christ’s glory to people in the world. The emphasis here is upon the glorious state which Christ had before the incarnation, and thus quite a different type of rendering must normally be employed. Moreover, a literal rendering of “giving glory” is usually impossible. The more common type of expression would be causative, for example, “cause me to be glorious” or “cause me to be honoured” or “show honor to me” or even “honor me.” (Barclay M. Newman and Eugene A. Nida, A Translator’s Handbook on the Gospel of John [London: United Bible Societies, 1980], 529, emphasis in original)

Further Reading