Monday, September 18, 2017

The Anti-Mormon Eisegesis Conundrum

Recently, on the Beggar's Bread blog (AKA Eisegesis Central), ex-Mormon Michael Flournoy, who is now an Evangelical Protestant, has posted an article:

As one has come to expect from Michael, this work shows that he was either incredibly ignorant as a Latter-day Saint and/or deliberately deceptive as a Protestant in a pathetic attempt to engage in self-justification for the gross sin of apostasy he has committed (cf. Heb 6:4-6Heb 10:26-29).

I recently received a few messages on facebook and an email from a well-known LDS apologist to write a response, but that would involve a lot of reinventing the wheel, as I already responded to Flournoy on the Eucharist in LDS and biblical theology as well as refuting his eisegesis of Heb 10 in the following article:

For other responses to Flournoy, particularly on soteriology, see:

For more on the topic of the nature of the Eucharist, see: