Sunday, October 1, 2017

Daniel Peterson, Evidence for the Book of Abraham

I just came across this video, an excerpt of a talk by Daniel C. Peterson where Dan is speaking of the Book of Abraham:

Evidence For The Book of Abraham by Daniel C. Peterson 2008

Since this talk, a number of other pieces of evidence supporting the historicity and authenticity of the Book of Abraham. To highlight just one:

The abstract of this article reads as follows:

Idrimi of Alalakh lived in Syria about a century after Abraham and left an autobiographical inscription that is the only such item uncovered archaeologically from Middle Bronze Age Syro-Palestine. The inscription of Idrimi and the Book of Abraham share a number of parallel features and motifs. Some of the parallels are a result of similar experiences in their lives and some are a result of coming from a similar culture and time.

For those wishing to start delving into the Book of Abraham, be sure to pick up John Gee's An Introduction to the Book of Abraham. My friend, Stephen Smoot, has a review on his excellent blog.