Thursday, October 26, 2017

Debunking some YEC "Arguments"

The following video I just recently encountered is a very good refutation of a very popular advocate of young-earth creationism, Jason Lisle. As one who advocates "theistic evolution," (1) YEC is anti-intellectual to the nth degree and (2) the arguments are utterly bogus, even from the best the YEC side has to offer.

I know some LDS still hold to a YEC model, so hopefully, this video will help understand that the purported evidence is, frankly stupid and based on ignorance and/or deception (unsurprisingly on this score, Lisle seems to be a presuppositionalist--basically, circular reasoning ahoy!)

Debunking Creationists - Dr. Jason Lisle

(also unsurprisingly, Lisle is on good terms with another YEC presuppositionalist, James White).

Another good video is:

Why I am no longer a Creationist complete series

On the topic of the creation narrative(s) in the book of Genesis, see Ben Spackman, Truth, Scripture, and Interpretation: Some Precursors to Reading Genesis
Also, Jeff Lindsay's LDSFAQ page Science and Mormon Teachings: "Mormon Answers" to Frequent Questions is a good one, too.