Saturday, November 18, 2017

For those who wish to support this blog

As some may already know, I have been out of work due to (1) health reasons and (2) taking some time to get further qualifications in accountancy. As many who know me already know, I suffer from near-constant migraines, and while I have been a migraine sufferer since age 11 (as of writing [Nov 2017], I am 30), for the past three years I have been suffering from violent migraines on a near-daily basis (though they have been dying down for the past three months now).

I know many like my blog and I would like to dedicate as much time as possible (reasonably speaking of course [I have a calling in Church and other duties]), so if one feels inclined to help support my blogging endeavours (as well as helping with the cost of medication, etc), I have set up a new Go Fund Me page (I am hoping this one does not have a “time limit”):

Also, for those who use Paypal:

Research-wise, one can hit me up with Amazon vouchers (email: IrishLDS87ATgmailDOTcom)