Friday, December 22, 2017

A Marian Prayer and again, on the Importance of Correct Mariology

I have said time and time again, both on this blog and elsewhere, that what Roman Catholicism teaches about Mary is the single greatest disproof of her claim to be the Church Jesus established. It has led to many pernicious errors, including the over-inflated view of Mary, often at the expense of Jesus.

As part of his New Year's (twitter) message, Pope Francis posted the following:

Today, the Catholic Website Aleteia posted a prayer from John Paul II, who is now a canonised saint, to Mary (bold added):

May the Virgin Mary help us to open the doors of our hearts to Christ, Redeemer of man and of history; may she teach us to be humble, because God looks upon the lowly; may she enable us to grow in understanding the value of prayer, of inner silence, of listening to God’s Word; may she spur us to seek God’s will deeply and sincerely, even when this upsets our plans; may she encourage us while we wait for the Lord, sharing our time and energies with those in need.

Mother of God, Virgin of expectation, grant that the God-who-comes will find us ready to receive the abundance of his mercy.

May Mary Most Holy, “Woman of the Eucharist” and Virgin of Advent, prepare us all to joyfully welcome Christ’s coming and to celebrate worthily his sacramental presence in the mystery of the Eucharist.

 All I can say is thank God for the Restoration of the Gospel and the Latter-day Saint possession of correct Mariology.

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