Monday, December 25, 2017

Update on my book on Mariology

I hope those who read my blog are having a wonderful Christmas!

Just an update for those who are curious. I have (finally) put together my notes on the topic of Mariology. The tentative title is Behold, the Mother of My Lord: Towards a "Mormon Mariology". It is currently 100 pages and 40,000+ words. I hope to see it published in early 2018.

Here is the current table of contents:

Chapter 1: Towards a Mormon Mariology
Chapter 2: The Immaculate Conception: Does the Bible Teach it?
Chapter 3: The Immaculate Conception: Is it found in early Christianity?
Chapter 4: The Perpetual Virginity of Mary
Chapter 5: The Bodily Assumption of Mary
Chapter 6: Devotions and Apparitions
Appendix 1: Latter-day Saints and Religious Images
Appendix 2: The Virginal Conception in Latter-day Saint Theology
Appendix 3: Virgin or Young Lady? An Examination of Isaiah 7:14 and 2 Nephi 17:14
Selected Bibliography on Mariology

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