Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A Calvinist Reads Pride and Prejudice

Clark Pinnock: "[Calvinism makes] God some kind of a terrorist who goes around handing out torture or disaster and even is willing people to do things the Bible says God hates."

The following video by Christopher Fisher (author of God is Open: Examining the Open Theism of the Biblical Authors [2017]) is an excellent parody of how Calvinists read the Bible--in the most eisegetical way possible:

A Calvinist Reads Pride and Prejudice

For a discussion of just some of the many theological presuppositions of Reformed theology, see:

An Examination and Critique of the Theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology

For a thorough refutation of the formal doctrine of Protestantism (not just Calvinism), see:

Not by Scripture Alone: A Latter-day Saint Refutation of Sola Scriptura (available on Amazon, too!)

Also, on Fisher's youtube page, he has the audio of a Calvinist apologist being thoroughly embarrassed about the logical and scriptural problems of Calvinism:

Calvinist Gene Cook is Owned by Open Theist Caller

Finally, Greg Boyd does a good job at showing some of the problems of Calvinism:

Greg Boyd - Calvinism Refuted in 10 minutes

I truly hope Reformed Protestants will rethink their adherence to such a false, Satanic theology before it is too late (Gal 1:6-9).