Thursday, January 18, 2018

Melito of Sardis, On Pascha 82

Melito of Sardis, writing around AD 190 in On Pascha, wrote:

82) You were not Israel.
You did not see God.
You did not perceive the Lord, Israel,
you did not recognize the first-born of God,
begotten before the morning star,
who adorned the light,
who lit up the day,
who divided the darkness,
who fixed the first boundary,
who hung the earth,
who tamed the abyss,
who stretched out the firmament,
who furnished the world,
who arranged the stars in the heavens,
who lit up the great lights,
who made the angels in heaven,
who there established thrones,
who formed humanity on the earth. (Melito of Sardis, On Pascha [Popular Patristics Series 20; trans. Alistair Stewart-Sykes; Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2001], 60, emphasis added)