Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Some Resources on the Homosexuality Debate

This morning I read Bryce Cook’s revisionist nonsense article in the most recent issue of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, “What Do We Know of God’s Will for His LGBT Children? An Examination of the LDS Church’s Position on Homosexuality.” I have addressed this issue a few times on this blog, including:

To add to the discussion, I am plugging the following three presentations that one can find on youtube:

Homosexuality and the Church Debate: Dr. Robert Gagnon vs. Dr. Daniel Kirk (this debate is living proof of how pathetically weak the arguments for the revisionist views held by Kirk, Cook, and others, and how they cannot hold up to scrutiny)

A really good, satrical article that came to mind while reading Cook's article is the following from The Babylon Bee: